The 49th WSAVA World CONGRESS No. B35
The 49th WSAVA World CONGRESS will be held at the Suzhou International Expo Center from September 3-5, 2024. GM MED will meet you at Exhibit No. B35.

Dr. Ellen van Nierop, President of the WSAVA, said, “With approximately 200 million household pets and more than 22,000 companion animal veterinary clinics in China, there will be a continuing and growing demand for high-caliber veterinarians. We look forward to bringing the WSAVA World Congress to this vast market, which is growing at an incredible rate. We are working with BJSAVA, the Beijing Small Animal Veterinary Association, and SHSAVA, the Shanghai Small Animal Veterinary Association, to prepare for a world-class continuing education extravaganza for our Chinese counterparts, but also to learn from our Chinese counterparts, who have contributed so much to our global veterinary community.”
Dr. Torren Stone, Secretary General of the Beijing Small Animal Clinic Industry Association, said, “As a long-time member representative of the WSAVA, I see the opportunity to host the WSAVA World Congress in China as a great chance for Chinese veterinary professionals to be more quickly integrated into the global perspective of the WSAVA and to raise the standard of veterinary care for companion animals in China. “